review round-up

I hope you like reviews! With GI neck-deep in the middle of crazy release season, we published no less than 11 reviews this week for games ranging from totally awesome to completely awful. Here's the full round-up.

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The Binding Of Isaac (PC) - "The Binding of Isaac is an exceptionally weird game with a list of caveats longer than I’d like, but when McMillen’s vision shines through, it’s as compulsory of an indie title as Castle Crashers or Everyday Shooter." -Adam Biessener

Crysis (360, PS3) - "The noticeable downgrade in graphical fidelity and occasional bugs aside, the console port of Crysis is still a blast to play. If you’re tired of corridor shooters and are looking for a little more freedom on the battlefield, this is a worthwhile download." -Matt Bertz

Dark Souls (PS3, 360) - "Dark Souls probably won’t be the biggest or best game released this year, but I’m already sure it’s the one I’m going to spend the most time playing." -Phil Kollar

Forza Motorsport 4 (360) - "Racing games have always strived to strike that balance between being a virtual showroom for car lovers (see the well-done and informative Autovista mode for that) and actually being fun, compelling experiences. Forza 4 successfully bridges this gap and is the racer you’ve been waiting for." -Matthew Kato

A Game Of Thrones: Genesis (PC) - "I love seeing innovation like this, especially in a genre that can be as immobile as RTS, but between the severely lacking technical implementation, bad presentation, and unforgivable UI, it's like Cyanide was trying to make its game as impenetrable as possible." -Adam Biessener

NBA 2K12 (360, PS3) - "Online shortcomings and the lack of including last year’s rookie class on the rosters until the lockout lifts aside (thanks for that dumb rule, NBA), you won’t find a better franchise mode, single-player mode, historical mode, or presentation package anywhere else. NBA 2K12 isn’t just the best basketball game; it’s the most complete sports sim I’ve ever played." -Matt Bertz

Orcs Must Die! (360) - "It’s fun, fast, and playable for both tower defense and third-person shooter fans." -Kyle Hilliard

Rage (360, PS3, PC) - "Rage’s story and overworld design feel dated, but its heart-pounding gunplay is a nice change of pace in a market filled with “follow me” and pop-and-fire shooters. While light RPG elements are present, this is mainly a game for players who love challenging combat experiences." -Andrew Reiner

Spider-Man: Edge Of Time (360, PS3, Wii) - " I applaud Beenox for trying something different with this iconic character, yet ultimately find myself thinking about how many locked doors I opened rather than the story, combat, or character-based moments. For me, the game just seemed to get worse as it went on and more frustrating as the same types of mission objectives were recycled." -Andrew Reiner

Tetris Axis (3DS) - "Tetris Axis is another bright spot on the puzzle series’ legacy, but some of the aging modes trip things up for veterans." -Bryan Vore

White Knight Chronicles II (PS3) - "Where the game falls depressingly short is in Level-5 ignoring the many valid criticisms of the first game and churning out a cookie-cutter sequel that is even more of a rehash than the average yearly sports title or shooter franchise." -Phil Kollar