If the idea of Mark Wahlberg starring in an Uncharted movie that greatly deviates from the plot of the film series sounds horrible to you, you've officially received a reprieve from your pain. New director Neil Burger is taking some time to completely rework plans for the upcoming video game adaptation.

Joystiq spoke with Burger last week at San Diego Comic-Con and got the low-down on what's happening with this half-anticipated, half-feared project. In Burger's words:

"I'm rewriting the script from scratch, starting like right now -- like we are just starting now. I love the game, it's great, and I think it's a great start for a movie, because the game is so cinematic. The character Nate in particular I like because he's this ballsy guy that lives by his wits, and who's capable of kind of anything and everything. He's fearless and he doesn't give a *** and he'll go after the thing. I dig that kind of character and it's a great character for a movie."

I agree about Drake making for a great movie character...if he's played by the right actor. Burger told Joystiq that choices such as Wahlberg or Bradley Cooper could work, but he's nowhere near the point of actual casting. He says that process happens "once you get to the end of the screenplay." Fair enough.

Here's hoping Burger salvages the potential of this project and turns it into something awesome against all odds.