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Ken Levine: Irrational Has No Plans For Wii U

by Matthew Kato on Jul 13, 2011 at 03:44 AM

Irrational Games' creative director Ken Levine was one of the developers singing the praises of Nintendo's new Wii U when it was debuted at Nintendo's E3 press conference last month, but Levine says that Irrational has no plans at the moment to make a game for the 2012 system.

Levine told IndustryGamers: “Just to be clear, there are no plans. I'm not saying it can't happen, but we have no plans to do any games for [the Wii U].”

Still, Levine – like in his testimonial at the Nintendo press conference – wasn't short of his praise for the system. "The fact that the Wii U has got two sticks...I feel it's like...It's a great year for the core coming back and saying, okay, have your touch screens, have your motion control, we'll try to make that work, and if you can pull that off it'll be really good. But I want to have my cake and eat it too. I think these experiences are starting to allow that to happen.”

For more on Levine's comments, check out the full IndustryGamers article.