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nintendo press conference

Third Parties Praise Wii U During Presentation

by Annette Gonzalez on Jun 07, 2011 at 07:57 AM

In an interview reel shown during the Nintendo press conference, third-party developers were full of praise for Wii U. The conference also closed out with a few kind words from EA CEO John Riccitiello.

The word "revolutionary" was thrown around quite a bit during the interview reel with key members of from Vicarious Visions, THQ, Ubisoft, 5th Cell, NamcoBandai, and Irrational's Ken Levine. Though not all the developers confirmed their involvement with game announcements for Nintendo's new system, we can only speculate of what sorts of experiences these teams could have to offer (BioShock on Wii U?).

EA's John Riccitiello closed out the third-party chat near the end of the presentation during the company's first appearance at a Nintendo press conference. He expressed the opportunities that are available with the new control scheme in EA Sports and EA Games titles. For example, Riccitiello mentioned using the controller's screen for play calling in Madden and the opportunities it could open up for games like Battlefield 3. He also discussed open online functionality with matches and leaderboards plus extensions toward mobile and social networks.