
If the monthly fee associated with playing MMOs is a big problem for you, Sony Online Entertainment may have a convincing argument for going with their games. The monthly fees for all SOE MMOs have been lowered as well as the fee for their SOE Station Pass, which grants access to all of its games.

As of today, the monthly fee for games such as DC Universe Online and EverQuest II has dropped to $14.99 a month across the board. This was already the price for some of these titles, but now it is for all of them. More impressively, the SOE Station Pass now costs $19.99 a month, down from $29.99 a month.

If you pay the extra five bucks to subscribe to the Station Pass, you gain access to DC Universe Online, EverQuest, EverQuest II, Planetside, and Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, as well as a handful of free-to-play titles such as Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures and Pirates of the Burning Sea. To get the full scoop on the new pricing structure, check out SOE's Game Pass site.

Honestly, at that price, I'm kind of thinking about signing up and giving Star Wars Galaxies a spin before it shuts down. Anyone want to join me?