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Analyst Talks About Next Call of Duty Title

by Matthew Kato on May 12, 2011 at 04:11 AM

Everyone's waiting to see what Activision unveils for the new Call of Duty game that's coming out this year. One important segment of that is the online component – and the myriad things that entails. Activision has formed a specific studio called Beachhead to deal with "digital services" for the upcoming title and the franchise as a whole. Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey thinks he knows what Beachhead is going to bring to the table.

Earlier this week, a supposed logo (above) for something called Call of Duty Elite surfaced, and many believe that this is what Beachhead has been working on in conjunction with Modern Warfare 3. Hickey speculates that Beachhead's digital initiative will offer "more extensive" in-game wagering, customization items, online tournaments and leagues, and "community development" – as well as your traditional DLC and other exclusive content.

Of course, the big question is whether all this will amount to having to pay for online play, and from what Activision heads like CEO Bobby Kotick have said previously, it sounds like the company is committed to keeping parts of online free-to-play while also offering options players can choose to pay for. Fellow industry analyst Michael Pachter has said this is what he expects.

What kind of Call of Duty content would you be willing to pay for?


[via CVG]