
Following a financial briefing back in January, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata unveiled an enigmatic new Wii titled called Pandora’s Tower. Little was revealed about the game via the teaser site, other than a spring release date in Japan.

A handful of new gameplay details have emerged, in addition to a first look at Pandora’s Tower in action. Andriasang dropped the information today, translated from the most recent issue of Famitsu.

We’ve now learned that the main character is named Ende, and he will be joined by a female heroine named Ceres. The latter is the tattooed woman pictured in key art thus far. She has a curse placed upon her that can only be cured with “the flesh of beasts.” Ende is on a journey to gather said remedy and try to save his companion.

Pandora’s Tower will be an action/RPG, with the weapon of choice some sort of chain that can ensnare enemies and latch onto objects. You can see it in action below.


The game is in development by Ganbarion, known for their work on Jump Stars and One Piece titles. Pandora’s Tower is scheduled to release on May 26 in Japan. No word yet of a North American release.

Information is still scarce, but is it enough to have you intrigued? Share your thoughts below!

[via Andriasang. Thanks to Kush for the tip!]