
I've been thinking a lot about Half-Life lately, since fellow GI editor Dan Ryckert is finally playing through Half-Life 2: Episode Two, one of the best pieces of content for one of the best video game franchises of all time. Just the other night I realized that it's nearly been four years since that great add-on was released, and we still haven't heard a peep about Episode Three or whatever else may lie ahead for Half-Life. Well, don't worry, everyone; Valve hasn't completely forgotten Gordon Freeman.

In an interview with AusGamers (via The Escapist) Valve marketing and PR head Doug Lombardi promised that Valve has plans for Half-Life:

"We are not done with Gordon Freeman's adventures. I have nothing other than that to tell you today, but hang in there with us."

I'm going to go ahead and predict a couple of comments calling this out as not real news. "Of course Valve is going to do another Half-Life game eventually," you may be thinking of saying. But you know what? When you're a desperate Half-Life fan who's been waiting this long for even the smallest piece of info, you take whatever you can get.

Valve, please feed me more. Please.

[thanks to itwontaccept for the news tip]