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gdc 2011

Design A Robot For Demiurge’s First Independent Title

by Meagan Marie on Mar 03, 2011 at 03:19 AM

Do you have what it takes to inspire terror from a soulless scrap of metal? Demiurge Studios kicked off a campaign today to find the perfect mechanical addition to the roster of Shoot Many Robots foes. The online contest, called “Design Many Robots,” asks fans and aspiring game developers alike to submit original ideas for a new robot type, with the winner slated to appear in the first official expansion of the game after its 2011 launch.

“In the spirit of the Game Developer’s Conference this week, we wanted to kick-off this contest to give the next generation of designers a chance to appear in our first independently developed title,” said Albert Reed, co-founder and studio director at Demiurge Studios. “We hope to see it all. We’ve created a world chock full of chainsaw-wielding arachnid-bots, diesel-mechanical gorillas, and fire-breathing bull-dozers that exist in an industrial land full of oil, rust, and spare parts. The door is open to add even more members to this motley crew, and we want to grow the robot army by letting our fans design and vote on who we should be blowing up next.”

The winner will visit Demiurge Studios in Boston to witness firsthand their creation come to life.

If you’re interested in participating, check out the roster of existing robots here to ensure you’re creating something wholly original.

View a gallery of inspirational images below, as well as an official contest trailer. Look for our comprehensive preview of Shoot Many Robots next week.