reader discussion

Thanks to the Bethesda Blog Twitter account, I was reminded that developer id Software was founded exactly 20 years ago today. I decided we should not only wish them happy birthday but celebrate with some memories.

From Wolfenstein to Doom to Quake -- and hopefully with the upcoming Rage as well -- id has been at the forefront of the first-person shooter genre, shaping what has become arguably the most popular genre in our medium today. So which title in id's impressive gameography is your personal favorite?

For me, I have to go with the original Doom. This game represented the first time I ever played a first-person shooter, and it helped me immediately fall in love with the genre. In fact, I loved it so much that I've played the first Doom on no less than six different platforms, from the PC to the PlayStation all the way to the recent (excellent) Xbox Live Arcade port.

Need more proof that I've played too much Doom? About a year ago, I was on a trip visiting a friend, and I had for some silly reason not thought to bring any portable games along with me. After about a week of no gaming, I started to go through some video game withdrawal. With my brain longing for virtual release, what did I end up dreaming of that night? The first level of Doom. In full.

I woke up the next morning and immediately downloaded the iOS version of Doom for my iPod Touch, and sure enough, my brain had remembered the layout of the first level completely, right down to enemy spawns and weapon placement. That, my friends, is true video game love.

So how about you? Post a comment letting me know what your favorite id game is and some memories associated with it.