
David Bowie is bringing five new tracks to Rock Band next week, available as the “David Bowie Pack 02” or as singles. Check out the details below.

Available on Xbox 360, Wii, and, PlayStation 3 January 25:

•    “Blue Jean”
•    “Fame”
•    “Modern Love”X
•    “Young Americans”
•    “Ziggy Stardust” X

As always, all tracks are original master recordings. The David Bowie Pack 02 can be purchased for $8.49/680 Microsoft Points/850 Wii Points. Individual tracks can be picked up for $1.99/160 Microsoft Points/200 Wii Points.

Tracks marked with an “X” are compatible with the Rock Band 3 Pro Guitar and Pro Bass and will run an additional $0.99 for the upgrade.