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blog herding

Blog Herding: Community Edition 12/03/10

by Annette Gonzalez on Dec 03, 2010 at 09:45 AM

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Blog Herding took a day off last week for the holiday, but we're back with two weeks worth of picks for your reading pleasure! Check out the work of your peers below!

100 Hours Smashing: A Retrospective On Super Smash Bros: Brawl
"Last week, I popped the game in on a whim, intending to play for an hour or so then put it back on the shelf. But then I made a discovery: I was only a few hours away from passing 100 hours played. I simply couldn't ignore that, so instead of a brief goof-off session I dove headfirst into the Brawl. After reaching that milestone (and then some) I was struck with the realization that the game is over two years old. How time flies. So I thought I'd reflect a little on the game and my four days worth of experience with it." Check out Chromashadow's look back at Brawl.

Game Informer's Controversial Dec. Issue - Cancel My Subscription Now

Saint disagrees with some of the content within Game Informer's Dec. issue and tackles the topic of readers who are quick to drop their subscription over differences in opinion.

Campers-The Most Hated Gamers

"With the usual assortment of cheaters and hackers, which are more than enough, are the gamers on the borderline of cheating. They are not necessarily doing anything wrong, but don't they have a sense of decency? These types of gamers will stay in a certain area, usually camouflaged or hidden from view at first glance, and pop out when someone passes by." Trenton Miller hates campers. Find out why.

Most Frustrating Boss Battles
Gotta love discussing some of your most challenging experiences with game bosses. Check out Tyler Lee's post and share your own in the comments section.

Online, Racism, And Perhaps...A Solution
"...It's more than a little disheartening when in online games I hear and see the same ignorance that surrounded me as a child. "N-word here," "gay slur there," "Jew this," "Mexican that," in just about every game that features a gun. The majority of it isn't as malevolent or venomous as what I was exposed to growing up, but seeing swastikas as team symbols or hearing the racial slurs said in a clearly adolescent voice over a crackly headset is not how I foresaw the evolution of my solace and respite." Ghostpig responds to the swastika ban in Black Ops and more.

Scheduling Posts And Some Other GIO Blogging Tips

The title says it all. Check out Hist's post for some helpful advice.

Innovation vs. Refinement: When Should Video Games Apply Them?
Cody Gilley discusses whether or not developers should take risks with new IPs and when they should instead focus on perfecting a winning formula.

Community events: Also, note: I've heard some chatter about a community gaming event for weekend frag fests. Want details? Eyros2k has got them here. If you guys are planning community events, I'd love to hear about them so I can post details on Blog Herding. As always, feel free to send me blog leads and community event info at

Staff blogs you may have missed: Our video producer Ben Hanson provides a formal introduction and asks for video feedback, Joe loves his backlog, and Jeff Cork remembers Pac-Man 2.