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Graham Hopper Departs Disney Interactive

by Meagan Marie on Nov 23, 2010 at 07:15 AM

A week before the launch of the much-lauded Epic Mickey Wii title, Graham Hopper – head of Disney’s video game business operations – is exiting stage right. Hopper is credited as being pivotal in transitioning Disney Interactive Studios as a publisher focused on licensed children's games to one focused on original, big-budget releases.

Hopper’s departure follows that of Disney Interactive president Steve Wadsworth, who left his post back in September. To replace Wadsworth, Disney hired two new executives, Playdom CEO John Pleasants and Yahoo media executive James Pitaro.

Wadsworth’s departure is rumored to have been fueled by losses the past fiscal quarter, and Disney’s purchase of online social gaming site Playdom may be indicative of a new direction for the interactive division if pending big-budget releases don’t meet expectations. Several Disney titles like Split/Second and Ultimate Band didn't meet expectations, and the company canceled Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned this past month.

[Via LA Times]