by Meagan Marie on Oct 18, 2010 at 03:45 AM

EA unveiled a new downloadable title today, an arcade shooter that tasks players with piloting a microscopic ship and eradicating a biotechnological infestation. When nanotechnology programmed to eliminate diseased cells instead bonds with them, you must save a human host before it is too late.

“We wanted to take gamers to a place they have rarely visited before — the world inside the human body. The fluid dynamics of the world and the customization of the MicroBot come together to create a unique take on the arcade shooter genre,” said Jason Haber of Electronic Arts. “MicroBot is an energetic and addictive game that is perfect for anyone that plays games on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network.”

Environments in MicroBot will unfold via veins, bones, lungs, and the brain, with EA promising the rhythms and fluids inherent to each location will dynamically change movement and gameplay. Harvesting data fragments will allow for upgradable weapons, defense systems, and special abilities.

Microbot will support cooperative drop-in/drop-out multiplayer and a co-op editor that lets players collaborate and create a customized MicroBot team.

MicroBot is slated to launch Winter of 2011 on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network.