Classic GI

If you're preparing to jump into Square Enix's newest MMO, Final Fantasy XIV, be sure to take a lesson from their past and come equipped with a clock. While digging through Game Informer's huge vault today, I came across this relic from Final Fantasy's past: a clock that tells you the time in-game and lets you set alarms for in-game events.

In addition to keeping track of what time it is for your virtual self in the world of Final Fantasy XI, this Vana'Diel Clock features four separate alarms. You can set these up to let you know when your ability cooldowns have ended. Hopefully FF XIV won't require quite that level of devotion to make the most out of your time. Check out the pictures below to see our clock in original, working condition.

Products In This Article

Final Fantasy XI

Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PC
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