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Mystery Project From Persona 4 Team Nearing Completion; Persona 5 Next?

by Phil Kollar on Dec 18, 2009 at 05:46 AM

With over a year having passed since Persona 4's release and Persona 3 Portable now out in Japan, many Atlus fanboys such as myself are wondering when we're going to see the next project from the Persona team. Turns out we shouldn't have to wonder for much longer.

Andriasang reports that a new mystery game from the Persona 4 team is in the works and almost done, according to a blog post by Persona 4 producer Katsura Hashino. Hashino revealed that after Persona 4, the team split into two to tackle different projects. One was Persona 3 Portable, and the other was a new original game that Hashino expects to be "extremely interesting."

Hashino also dropped a cryptic hint about how soon the two teams will be coming back together to work on another new project that he only referred to as "that."

What could "that" be? Personally, I've got my fingers crossed for a PS3/360 Persona 5, and considering the popularity of that series and the team's pedigree, I think that makes the most sense. Is there anything else you would prefer to see the Persona 4 team tackle next?