
Boo! That shock and surprise you're feeling in your gut is probably due to Valve's out-of-nowhere announcement that they're doing a special Halloween update for their online shooter, Team Fortress 2. Check out the details below!

Announced on a very wacky page on the official Team Fortress website (seriously, read it -- it's hilarious), the "Terrifying Team Fortress Haunted Hallowe'en Special" will be available starting today through November 2. The biggest news with the update is that it will contain a brand new map, Harvest.

Created by much-loved map-maker Sean "Heyo" Cutino, this King of the Hill locale will include two very unique bonus features. A ghost haunts the maps, temporarily freezing any players that run into it. The map will also be littered with pumpkins that can blow up and harm passing players.

Not enough holiday delight for you? The update will also add five new "scarechievements" such as "Candy Coroner" and "Scared Stiff." Unlocking the achievements will give you access to new Halloween hats, like the terrifying paper bag mask in the image above.

If you're past the age of dressing up and trick-or-treating, might we recommend staying in this Halloween for some class-based online mischief? I'd be happy to join you.