
Curious as to when Xbox Live will role out their much anticipated Zune, Facebook and Twitter apps? So are we. The new features are just over the horizon as Major Nelson announced yesterday that Microsoft will once again be hosting an Xbox Live Update Preview Program for users. Microsoft rolled out the program in the past for other major updates like the introduction of Avatars and the New Xbox Experience.

So what’s the procedure? If you are looking to throw your name in the pot you’ll need to head over to the Microsoft Connect website and sign in with the Window Live ID connected to your gamertag. From there you are obligated to fill out a survey in order to be eligible for consideration. Questions include information on where you live, your home network, ISP connection and other details that will help Xbox get a “Good cross-section of members,” and ensure diverse feedback.

Once submitted your application enters the review process, and if chosen, you’ll get an email notifying you within a weeks time. So get on it!

Microsoft is looking for thousands individuals to participate, so your chances of being selected aren’t as slim as you may think. It’s worth noting that XBL Gold members are given priority over Silver users.