High-falutin' gamer culture

Every once in a while, I like to take out my quill, dip it into an inkwell, and document the last 10 games that I've played – in haiku form, of course. Guess what? It's that time again!

I've been on a bit of an Uncharted bender these days, frantically trying to catch up with the series while Uncharted 4 is still relevant. Don't worry, though, I also played games that are sure to strike a chord with most gamers, including a mobile free-to-play RTS, some licensed garbage, and Diablo III. Of course.

Once you've fully savored my latest batch of verse, you may want more. Don't worry, you can read all my previous entries here, here, herehere, here, and here. And as always, you're welcome.

Clash Royale
Hog Rider, freeze deck
Hooray, you did some damage
Sad-king emote. "Oops."

Diablo III
Yes, I'm still playing.
Don't worry, Dawn of the Dead
Hell's not filling up

Indiana Jones
Minus the whip, plus hair gel.
Third act: what the $%#&?!

Uncharted 2
The guns aren't as bad!
Who invited these furries?
Third act: what the $%#&?!

Uncharted 3
Spiders everywhere!
Yet another lost city.
Third act: what the $%#&?!

Uncharted 4
Nathan's all growed up!
Uh-oh. His brother isn't.
Third act: Not there yet

A hero shooter
with a mushroom character.
No fun for this guy.

Homefront: The Revolution
Is this a slideshow?
Wait. Wasn't that a headshot?
Revolution echs.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan
Uh oh, I just died.
I guess I'll eat some pizza
Until my wounds heal?

Need a healer? Great!
Let me zap your back and watch
While you win the game.