reader discussion

Delays are a part of the industry. Whether publishers decide to aim for more lucrative release windows or developers need more time to polish their games, delays are common occurrence. Today it was announced that Bethesda's horror title, The Evil Within will not arrive until October, and Sony's The Order: 1886 is being pushed to next year. We want to know how you feel about delays.

You learn more about the delay of The Order: 1886 here, and The Evil Within here. In both these instances, the respective developers say they need an extension to makes sure the games live up to their full potential. As Nintendo visionary Shigeru Miyamoto once famously said, "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad", but that doesn't make having to wait longer for highly anticipated titles and more fun.

Personally, I don't mind delays at all. My backlog is perpetually full and I'm always happy when big titles are pushed back because it means I have more time to catch up (though I never fully will). On the other hand, I hate when games are bumped into already crowded months, which will inevitably make my backlog even plumper. It's a good problem to have, but a problem nonetheless.

So how do you feel about game delays?