by Phil Kollar on Dec 25, 2011 at 12:00 PM

Last year to celebrate the holidays, Reiner and I played all the way through the rather terrible Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer game for the Wii. We decided to make the holiday-themed episode a tradition, but this year we came up with something a little more interesting.

In this two-part special, Reiner and I sat down under the Game Informer nondenominational Christmas tree to open up some presents. Reiner picked out two games for me, and I got two for him as well. Watch as we experience the joy (and sometimes sorrow) of opening up presents and taking our new games for a test drive.

Thanks for joining us and making our holidays a little brighter. Reiner and I will be back to record more dumb videos in 2012. In the mean time, you can check out the full Reiner and Phil archives on our hub page.