by Matt Miller on Mar 01, 2011 at 11:30 AM

We sat down to play the newly released Killzone 3 using Sony's motion controller. Watch the full video, complete with our editors' commentary track.

Killzone 3 is the best installment yet from Sony's exclusive shooter franchise. For many gamers, we figure this could be the game that helps decide if you want to make the plunge and purchase the Move and its related accessories. To help you make the decision, we went through and played a hefty chunk of the game using the new controller. We chose a section of the game that shows off some of the high and low points of playing the game this way. Among the best are rail shooting sequences and traditional combat, while the controller suffers a little bit with precision shooting, like sniper sequences.

Bryan Vore and I provide commentary throughout the video, which you can watch below.