Profile picture for user GIDaniel
Profile picture for user GIDaniel

Daniel Tack

Since graduating from Michigan State University with a degree in journalism, Daniel has covered interactive entertainment at a variety of outlets including Growing up with Atari 2600 classics, Daniel fell in love with games during long sessions with the original Final Fantasy. As the years went by, Daniel’s interests shifted away from consoles and toward the PC, where multiplayer online and indie titles were prevalent. Since then, Daniel has gravitated toward MMORPGs, MOBA/ARTS, DCGs, strategy, and modern roguelikes. Daniel enjoys poker, West Highland White Terriers, and a good cat gif.


Fenix Rage Unveils Boss Trailer

Upcoming action-platformer Fenix Rage has revealed a bit about the
challenging boss encounters that will be featured in the game with a new

Fenix Rage Unveils Boss Trailer

Upcoming action-platformer Fenix Rage has decided to reveal a bit about
the boss encounters that will be featured in the game with a new trailer.
pax 2014

H1Z1 Experimenting With Bold Concepts

We had a chance to check out the current build of the free-to-play
zombie-survival MMORPG H1Z1 at PAX Prime 2014, and things are looking
interesting to say the least.
pax 2014

Salt And Sanctuary: Soulvania

From the two person Ska Studios team that gave us Charlie Murder, it’s
inspired by two wonderful things - Castlevania and Dark Souls.
PAX Prime 2014

ArcheAge Launches September 16

Trion Worlds' upcoming free-to-play MMORPG ArcheAge was given an
official release date at a community event during PAX Prime 2014