question of the month

Question Of The Month: What's Your Most Embarrassing Username?

video feature

Watch The Insanity Of Our Extra Life 2014 Stream Archive

reader discussion

Reader Discussion – What's The Worst Video Game Movie Ever?


Mortal Kombat's Best And Worst Fatalities


Kids Are Embarrassed To Play Wii According To Take-Two

… Kids Are Embarrassed To Play Wii According To Take-Two … Do you blush … Take-Two’s CEO Ben Feder recently admitted that his son is embarrassed to show off his Wii to friends. Is the PlayStation 3’s Move the solution? … Kids Are Embarrassed To Play Wii According To Take-Two …


Replay – Castlevania 64

How Journey Restored My Faith In Gamers

… … Over the last few weeks I have found myself slightly embarrassed to be a video game fan, due more or less entirely …


This Generation's E3 Oddities