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Profile picture for user GIKyle

Kyle Hilliard

Magazine Content Director

Kyle Hilliard has been enjoying games since the SNES, but it became a full on love affair after Link's seven year nap in Ocarina of Time. In high school and college, he convinced the school papers to let him write about video games. While shooting and editing video content for The Charleston City Paper during a college internship, he convinced them to let him write about video games. After graduating from the College of Charleston in 2009, he accepted a job managing the websites of a number of local newspapers in South Carolina. He also convinced them to let him write about video games. After convincing many other websites to let him write about video games, he finally convinced Game Informer. Kyle also served as GameSpot's mobile gaming editor, helped GameMill launch Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl and other titles, hosted the Gaming Ride Home Podcast, and is a co-host at MinnMax.


Portal 2 Takes Game Of The Year From BAFTA

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts likes to give out awards
to video games along with film and television. The only reason gaming
isn't part of the BAFTA acronym, is because BAFTVGA is unpronounceable.

Everything We Know About Diablo III

Perhaps the most important tidbit of information is the news we learned
today: Diablo III releases May 15. We finally have a solid release date,
one that hopefully won’t get pushed back. But what else do we know
about Diablo III?

A Timeline Of The Sim Franchise

The prefix “sim” began with SimCity in 1989. It’s short for “simulation”
and it qualifies a game where you simulate the act, typically one of
management, of overseeing a large organic structure – or something.