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Weekend Warrior 04/03/2015

by Jon Gregory on Apr 03, 2015 at 02:01 PM

Millions of people will spend this weekend bathed in pastel colors and ham, while cheerily celebrating life with their family and collecting eggs. Game Informer editors will not, having chosen instead to prostrate themselves before the Lovecraftian-throne of Hidetaka Miyazaki.

Andy McNamara (@GI_AndyMc): It will be a steady mix of cycling, Final Four, playing with my dog Barnaby, and Bloodborne. I might hop onto Destiny and do my Nightfall runs quick…maybe. I’m also trying to get in some time with Pillars of Eternity but it’s tough to dedicate time to that with the other games I have hanging over my head, namely the previously mentioned Bloodborne and Axiom Verge.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty): This weekend I'm hoping to play some more Code Name STEAM on my 3DS and definitely get back to Cities: Skylines. I can't look at a road in real life without daydreaming about better traffic management for my new city. Have a good weekend!

Andrew Reiner (@Andrew_Reiner): My weekend starts with Furious 7 and ends with baseball. After seeing Furious 7 tonight, my focus is entirely on MLB 15: The Show. Sunday night is the Chicago Cubs season opener!

Jeff Marchiafava (@GIJeffM): I started up Bloodborne last night, and already From’s newest nightmare factory has its hooks in me. I’m still adjusting to the quicker pace compared to Dark Souls (I feel completely naked without a shield), but so far the sprawling, labyrinthine level design hasn’t disappointed. Any gaming time this weekend will probably be spent getting lost in Yharnam, though I may hop back into Axiom Verge at some point as well.

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea): I’m continuing to chip away at Bloodborne, but I’ll also be spending significant time on the court in NBA 2K15 and on the diamond in MLB 15: The Show. If I pull myself away from those three games, I’ll be playing some Defense Grid 2 and some Super Mario 64 now that it’s on Wii U Virtual Console.

Kim Wallace (@kstar1785): I finally got a copy of Bloodborne, so I plan on giving it a go. Those who watched the Dark Souls Grind Time, this is what you wanted. I'll try to post my thoughts! I'm also working on Pillars of Eternity, so I have more than enough games keeping me busy. 

Justin Mikos (@JustinMikos): This weekend I’m going to wrap up my playthrough of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. I defeated the extra Organization XIII bosses and made it to the new Super Boss Rush. I might have hit a wall there, so I’ll try again and then go defeat the final boss. I also want to start Axiom Verge and the new Spring Season of anime. I’m checking out five shows this season including the second half of Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Bladeworks which starts tomorrow! Have a good weekend everyone!

Elise Favis (@elisefavis): My dad is coming to visit me for the weekend, so I’ll be spending most of my time with him. Not sure what our plans are yet, but in my free time, I’m going to finish Act 3 of Kentucky Route Zero and jump in to Pillars of Eternity. I’ve heard great things about Pillars, so I’m really looking forward to it!

Jon Gregory (@JMan240): Current plans are to go cry about not having Bloodborne, and also to continue watching Twin Peaks for the first time while guiding my bozo of an NBA rookie through his career. He's hopelessly bad, but I'm playing on Pro so it doesn't matter even a little bit. I'm fairly happy with where 2K15's MyPlayer ended up though, so that's awesome - plus the game actually works on PC now, or at least as well as the console versions do. I'll also be trying to recover from my first serious workout in almost a year; it hurts like hell, but it gets better once you push past the first one.