A Taste Of The NHL Life
by Matthew Kato on Aug 07, 2013 at 05:22 AM
Platform PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Publisher EA Sports
Developer EA Canada
Rating Everyone 10+

The NHL franchise's Be a Pro mode has been dormant for a few years, so it was great to hear that NHL 14 would augment the mode with some off-ice situations. The first trailer for the mode gives you a brief look at what you can expect.

Be a Pro mode is now being cast as Live the Life, where you not only get to work your way up the NHL ladder, but also get a taste of the off-ice pressure of being a pro. Media questions and other situations (see above) will be handled via text prompts (If you've ever wanted to go John Tortorella on a reporter, now's your chance.), and the consequences can influence your standing with your teammates as well as the organization as a whole.

We're glad that the franchise is including something like this, but it's too bad that they are restricted to text prompts. It will also be interesting to see how the AI handles your responses. Will teammates not pass to you if they don't like you? Will the coach take you off certain lines or put you on them depending on your likability? Will your AI GM handle you fairly, or will you get traded at the first sign of trouble?

NHL 14 comes out for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on September 10. For more on the improvements to the game's online mode, check out Bertz's preview.

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NHL 14

PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
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