Lose Some Limbs With NeverDead's E3 Demo
by Matt Miller on Jun 05, 2011 at 08:12 AM
Platform PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Publisher Konami
Developer Rebellion Developments
Rating Mature

Just don't lose your head over Konami's unusual upcoming action game.

If you'd like a sneak peek at Konami's latest and strangest title, Neverdead, the development team has posted an exclusive early look at the game's E3 demo to its Facebook page. Check it out here.

In the video, you can see how protagonist Bryce Boltzmann is able to survive the most grievous of injuries and come back swinging. A big part of both the humor and gameplay is built around the loss of various appendages, whether purposefully or accidentally. Dog-like enemies can charge and rip an arm off. Or Bryce can pull off his own head to throw it up to a high and otherwise unreachable location. All sorts of dismemberment is played for laughs and unique in-game mechanics. Also on display is how Bryce will need to work together with his partner Arcadia in order to progress, including occasionally reviving her -- the beautiful young woman doesn't have the same recovery powers as our main hero.

It's a pretty strange idea, but certainly something new we haven't seen before. We'll have to wait and hope that our editors get hands-on with the game at the show to find if the whole experience turns out to be a fun ride.

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