Guacamelee Coming To The Vita With Bonuses
by Kyle Hilliard on May 30, 2012 at 03:34 PM
Platform PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita
Publisher DrinkBox Studios
Developer DrinkBox Studios
Rating Everyone 10+

Thanks to the PlayStation Pub Fund, Guacamelee is making its way to both the Vita and the PlayStation 3.

The Pub Fund is somewhat ambiguous in nature, but it basically helps smaller developers receive money to get games on the PlayStation Network.

Developer Drinkbox Studios didn't reveal exactly what bonuses the Vita version of the game would have (at least not until E3 next week) but, I would venture a guess that it has something to do with touchscreens.

For more on the Metroidvania inspired brawler, check out Dan Ryckert's preview.

[via PlayStation Blog]

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PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita
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