FIFA 12 Details Impact Engine Improvements
by Matthew Kato on Jun 22, 2011 at 06:30 AM
Platform PlayStation Vita
Publisher EA Sports
Developer EA Canada
Rating Everyone

FIFA 12 is debuting the Impact engine, which promises to improve player-on-player interaction in the game. Lead gameplay producer on the title, Aaron McHardy, walks through the difference it'll make from last year.

The video below shows how more points of interaction between players will produce better results and less jarring canned animations. The video examples McHardy shows off between FIFA 12 and FIFA 11 are noticeable, but it'll be interesting to see how the Impact engine handles more subtle challenges, because not every tackle in soccer is a full, slide-through-the-grass-legs-scissored production.

FIFA 12 also received a release date. September 27th will find you passing the ball across the pitch in EA's most recent soccer sim.

Check out Bertz's hands-on impressions of the title from E3 here.

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