Female Tengu Throws Team Ninja's Roster Around
by Ben Reeves on Jun 04, 2014 at 03:15 PM
Platform PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Publisher Tecmo Koei
Developer Team Ninja
Rating Mature

Team Ninja released Dead or Alive Ultimate back in September of last year, but the developer isn't done tinkering with the title. A female version of the final boss Tengu will soon saunter her way into the ring.

Female Tengu isn't just a new costume but an entirely new character for the game, and she is described as a trickster character with a focus on aerial movement. Many of her attacks look similar to the original Tengu, but you can watch her in action in the video below.

Female Tengu will release to console versions of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate in Japan later this month, so we imagine we'll start hearing about a western release soon.

Check out some of the ridiculous Halloween-themed DLC costumes that Team Ninja released last year.


[Source: Famitsu via Siliconera]

Products In This Article

Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Release Date: