by Nick Ahrens on Feb 25, 2010 at 11:03 AM

So I thought that I would kick off my new tech focused blog by pulling everything out of my pockets and showing the world what I carry around. After all, it’s only fair for me to prove my love so you don’t think I’m faking the funk as it were. I’ll go into the stuff I have sitting around the house in a future post, but for now the focus will be what I carry around (for the post part).

Apple iPhone 3GS
OK, I’ll admit that I like my iPhone. But I really love the Google platform, and until the Nexus One came out, I hadn’t seen a reason to switch. Now my mind often wanders to the awesome little device so easily. The tough part is that I’ve invested a lot of money into the App Store on games and such. And the 3GS is also third generation hardware so it’s really a solid piece of technology. My want to jump from the fast moving iPhone train comes from the fact that the platform is so closed off. You can read a bit more of why I don’t like this approach in my iPad coverage. But day to day, my iPhone gets it done (I guess).

Microsoft Zune HD
When the first Zune was announced, I didn’t give it a thought. But when I saw the specs of the Zune HD, I had to pay attention. The Wolfsen and Nvidia Tegra chips driving this little media machine are like nothing a PMP has ever seen. Add a 16:9 OLED and capacitive touchscreen and I’m in tech heaven. Sure, it doesn’t have the apps that the iPod Touch has, but I already have an iPhone. I really care about what this thing does best: music. The fact that this little guy processes MP3 files (which ultimately suck) so well makes a big difference for any music lover.

Ultimate Ears 700
To go along with my iPhone and Zune and because I’m the type of person who never takes off their headphones, I carry around a pair of Ultimate Ears 700. Sure, they are spendy, but for someone like myself who puts a lot of music time in during the day, it’s an investment. They also have great noise cancelling abilities which come in handy for flying or drowning out Tim when he starts talking about Sonic.

Nixon GTO
Gotta tell time! I’m a big fan of Nixon products and the GTO has been on my wrist for years.

Dell XPS 1530
This little workhorse gets me through the day when I’m out of the office. It’s got a nice, hi-res widescreen display, tons of ram, and enough juice to edit HD video for the site. The other nice part is that for a PC laptop, it has a pretty decent form factor.

Nikon D90
And finally, my favorite. The Nikon D90. No, it’s not a top of the line D3s or something but it really is the perfect camera. It has a kick-ass image sensor in it that really does take amazing photos. I even took the new staff photos (found here) on the D90.

So what about you? What gets you by in this nonstop, technology-focused world we live in?

This post is part of Technick, a column by Editor Nick Ahrens about the wide world of technology and just how cool it can be.