by Nick Ahrens on Nov 25, 2009 at 08:25 AM

Originally, I was going to try and write my top 10 favorite games of all time. But I could not pick. I just kept changing my mind and I will end up editing this post a million times. So instead, I looked back at a few of the games that took a lot of time up in my life. I figured it’s a great way to build a solid list based on stats rather than trying to choose. I’ve also included some memories of that time spent with each title.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Xbox)

Ahh yes. While I cannot be totally sure, I’m thinking this is the game I’ve logged the most amounts of hours in. I’m pretty sure I explored every nook and cranny that world had to offer. Sometimes I was good, doing noble quests and helping my fellow citizens. I even cleared a rat or two out of some cellars for a modest price. But let’s be clear, I was also a huge turd. I even murdered a poor old orc lady for her house so I could store all of my crap. The sheer amount of content in the game not only meant that I had plenty to do and see, but also plenty of items and customization to obsess over. I’d also like to give Oblivion a special shout out for sucking me back into the same world of time burning.

Battlefield 2 (PC)

Really for me, BF2 is the apex of multiplayer awesomeness. I don’t mean this to sound like I think it’s the greatest multiplayer game of all-time, but more that for me as a fan of FPS games online, this had the biggest effect. A close friend of mine and I would spend hours, upon hours running as our faux gaming clan known as The Handsome Male Actors or