
Why, hello there. Do you like horses? How about scarabs? Are you really, really into masks (you weirdo)? Either this podcast was specifically designed for you or I just tailored the description to pull you in. Which is it? Listen to our recap of five Twilight Zone episodes to find out!

Without spoiling too much, this is a pretty decent block of five episodes, featuring a couple of fairly well-known episodes and some completely forgettable nonsense. Join my good buddy Ben Hanson and I as we recap each one and provide our thoughts, observations, and insight. Or, at least, our attempts at insight. 

If you like the show, you can subscribe it it on iTunes. Feel free to watch the classic episodes alongside us as we close in on the end with Hulu, Netflix, or Amazon Prime.

The podcast covers the following episodes of the show:

21. Spur of the Moment

22. An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge

23. Queen of the Nile

24. What's in the Box?

25. The Masks