It may be hard to believe this, but I’m a bit of a jackass. Even though I’m chronologically an adult and I do a lot of adult things (drive, own a house, embarrass my children), a large part of my personality never evolved past the eighth grade. That last bit is critically important to this story.

Fair warning: If you are extraordinarily sensitive, you may find this blog post offensive. It contains 8-bit nudity.

A little game called Leisure Suit Larry and the Land of the Lounge Lizards was released when I was in the eighth grade. While ostensibly an adult-oriented game, I can’t help but think that I was actually the target market. It was an adventure game (check!), it was available on the Amiga (check!), and it promised adult content of one form or another (CHECKCHECKCHECK!!!). What can I say; I was 13. I convinced my friend Graham to give it to me for my birthday, and life was great.

Anyway, if you’re not familiar with Leisure Suit Larry, it’s a game about a 40-ish loser who is trying his best to have…relations…with a woman. It’s pretty funny, and there’s not much in the game that couldn’t be broadcast today in prime time. The game’s set in Lost Wages (HAW HAW), and it starts out with Larry standing outside of Lefty’s Bar. It’s a seedy place, as you can see below.

It took forever for me to beat the game—mostly because my Amiga 500 didn’t have a hard drive, and loading off the 3.5” floppy disks took a long-ass time. I still had fond memories of it, and I thought about it from time to time.

Fast forward to last month.

My family was settling into our new house, and I was decking out the basement gaming/movie zone. The walls were bare, and I wanted to put something up. But what? Then inspiration struck!

A few weeks later, I finished work on the painting and hung it on the wall. It’s glorious. My wife hates it, which is a nice bonus. (I originally proposed that it would be hung over our bed. The basement position is a “compromise.”)

So that’s what I do with my free time. I have a lot of growing up to do.