Last November, I released my first book. It was a ton of fun to write, so much so that I began work on its sequel immediately. I’m proud to say that six months after the original went on sale, Air Force Gator 2: Scales of Justice is now available for purchase.

Almost all of the feedback I received from the original was positive, but I wanted to make sure I addressed any criticism when writing its follow-up. The most common critique I received was that the original was too short. Considering the only books I really read growing up were in the Goosebumps series, that’s roughly the word count I originally shot for. At 24,000 words, the first book could be finished in a few hours. I decided to make Scales of Justice a longer read, and it wound up at 34,000 words.

Outside of the length, I had a couple of people say that they were surprised that the original wasn’t as ridiculous as they expected. I wrote it fairly straight-faced, hoping that the inherent ridiculousness of an alligator jet pilot would supply a good chunk of the humor. Reading it again, I realized that there was so much more room for stupid nonsense considering the subject matter. When writing Scales of Justice, I constantly reminded myself to sneak in super dumb stuff whenever I could. I don’t want to spoil any specific plot points here, but rest assured that this sequel is a significantly stupider affair.

As for the plot itself, here’s the description on the back of the book:

Eight years have passed since the Crocodile Rock incident that almost irrevocably damaged the United States. Since saving the country on that day, Air Force Gator’s legendary status has grown to unseen heights. His strength is magnified after being exposed to the chemical GatorAid. He’s dating a super hot stripper. Once a desperate and alcoholic whoremonger, the alligator pilot has finally found peace.

When President Obama organizes a rally on the National Mall to honor the inaugural Air Force Gator Day, the heroic reptile plans on announcing his retirement from military duty. His dreams of a quiet retirement come crashing down around him when a fringe group of radical reptiles led by an evil pig farmer interrupts the festivities and carries out a massive terrorist attack. Devastated by the increasingly personal attacks of the Sons of Gustav, it’s time for Gator to lace up his boots again and bring the pain.

Click below to see the full front and back cover image:

As you can see, former Major League Baseball player and complete moron Jose Canseco provided the foreword to the book. If you're a fan of stupid action movies or general dumb crap, it should be right up your alley. You can find it right here in paperback and on Kindle if you're interested.