by Bryan Vore on Feb 22, 2010 at 08:00 AM

Five Game Informer editors are squaring off in a weight loss competition to shed 25 pounds. Every week they weigh in on Wii Fit Plus to see who's working it and who's sitting out. Jeff Cork has crossed the finish line, but can he hold that loss for the required three straight days?

Tune in Thursday to see if Jeff can keep the weight off to officially win, and also get Annette's weekly results.

From left to right: Meagan, Jeff C, Dan, Annette, and Bryan.

Week 7

1) Jeff C: -9.7
2) Bryan: -4.0
3) Annette: -2.3
4) Meagan: +0.2
5) Dan: +1.3

Total Approximate Tally

1) Jeff C: -25
2) Bryan: -17
3) Dan: -10
4) Meagan: -10
5) Annette: -9

Jeff C:
After working my tail off for the past few months, I’ve finally hit my goal weight. Now I just need to hit that weight three days in a row to claim the prize. With any luck, that should be a cinch. Full disclosure: There’s no way I could have possibly lost nine pounds in a week. That would be absolutely insane. Last week I may or may not have consumed a bunch of water before the weigh in to throw everyone off my scent. I knew I was only a few pounds away from the goal that week, and I was worried that Dan in particular might do something crazy to catch up to me. Yeah, it’s completely sneaky, but whatever. This past week I was in Vegas for DICE, but I managed to eat well and exercise just as I would have if I’d been at home. And it looks like it paid off. We’ll see in a few days…

Well, who could have expected Jeff would drop ten pounds in a week? Even though he's the first to cross the line, I'm feeling good about this week. I believe a four-pound drop is my best weekly weigh-in yet, and that's nothing to sneeze at. Besides, Jeff was right on the line so there's always a chance his weight could bump up slightly and start the three-day counter over again.

I was hoping that the competition would drag on a bit longer, but looks like the main event is over. Still, I am up for a second tier competition with the same sets of rules. I am getting really close to my initial goal of 15lbs, then will see if I am satisfied and switch to maintaining my weight instead of lowering it. As for my results this week in particular, I last weighed in on Thursday so not much time has passed. I don’t even really consider a .2lb increase a gain, more just fluctuation between days. So even though it’s my first increase since we started, I am not very concerned. I am very motivated to shed that last five lbs in the next two weeks, though, so I figure I am on the right track. More of the same should work!

Jeff sucks.


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