by Bryan Vore on Feb 18, 2010 at 11:00 AM

Five Game Informer editors are squaring off in a weight loss competition to shed 25 pounds. Every week they weigh in on Wii Fit Plus to see who's working it and who's sitting out. Both Dan and Meagan are out of town this week until Thursday so we'll have to see if they can maintain healthy eating and exercise practices on the road. At this point, Annette has jumped up to first place in the weekly results after last week's tough showing. Bryan continues to shed meager slices of weight, but not enough to take advantage of Jeff's slip up week.

Original post on February 15, 2010.

[UPDATE] Dan and Meagan have weighed in so we finally have the full week 6 results. Check out the updated info.

From left to right: Meagan, Jeff C, Dan, Annette, and Bryan.

Week 6

1) Annette: -1.8
2) Meagan: -1.5
3) Bryan: -0.7
4) Dan: +1.3
5) Jeff C: +1.8

Total Approximate Tally

1) Jeff C: -17
2) Bryan: -13
3) Dan: -12.5
4) Meagan: -10
5) Annette: -6.5

After last week's setback, I returned to my usual diet and exercise regimen, and lost nearly 2lbs this week. I will continue to exercise everyday with P90X and eat healthy, and will hopefully have a consistent showing over the next couple weeks. My weight fluctuates so much it drives me crazy! I could just look at a pizza slice and gain a pound! My one concern is I'm leaving the country on a work-related trip Sunday, so I'm unsure how that will affect my diet, or eating habits as a result of jet lag. It could work in my favor. It could set me back a pound or two. I guess we'll have to wait and see next week when I return!

Meagan: [UPDATE]
I was sure I was a goner this week, and prepared for it to be my first gain of the competition. But somehow I evened out pretty well. I didn’t eat ridiculously unhealthy the four days I was out of town, but I ate more than usual to be sure. The seafood, sushi and sandwiches weren’t so bad, I worked out twice, and only had half a beer the entire trip. I do, however, remember opting not to substitute out my bacon for fruit at breakfast, and a fair amount of cheese on a plate of nachos I ordered while holed up in my room working late. And then there was some cake. Still, I’m not going to squander my results, deserved or not! Considering our next weigh-in is only 4 days away, I don’t expect super stellar results. But now that I’ve hit that 10lb mark, I feel pretty good!

It was heartening to see Jeff finally lighten up on his strict regimen. After his massive losses over the last couple of weeks, this slight gain puts some wind back in my sails. However, I had lots of fun myself this weekend with friends and family, and that always comes with not the healthiest food and beverage choices. I don't see too much of that kind of action coming in the next couple of weeks, so I'm hoping to really take care of business.

Considering what my last couple of weeks have consisted of, I’m totally fine with putting on a little over a pound. I haven’t had many chances to work out at all thanks to my dad’s visit and two work-related trips, so it’s been nothing but sloth and junk food for some time now. I have two friends visiting from Kansas City this weekend, so that will continue my “forced” unhealthiness for a couple more days. After that, I don’t have any visitors or trips until mid-March, so I’ll soon be back on track and hopefully catching up with Jeff.

This weekend was a killer. I didn't have a lot of free time to exercise, but I ate as though I had. I only have a few more days at home until I hit the road again for work, so I need to focus on maintaining my routine as best as possible. I'm not too worried about it though. This is a game of overall trends, not short term blips on a chart. Watch this space in about three weeks for my victory post.

To follow the fitness competition, type "GI Fitness" in to the search field or hit the blog tab above the story.