by Bryan Vore on Feb 09, 2010 at 07:00 AM

Five Game Informer editors are squaring off in a weight loss competition to shed 25 pounds. Every week they weigh in on Wii Fit Plus to see who's working it and who's sitting out. This week, Jeff's out of the office, Dan loses weight while eating terribly, and everyone else just coasts along.

Another Tuesday post this week. And Jeff C is out of town so he won't be weighing in until Thursday. Be sure to check back here for an update of his results, which will hopefully suck.

[UPDATE] Unfortunately, his results did not suck. Check out the numbers below to see how close Jeff is to total victory.

From left to right: Meagan, Jeff C, Dan, Annette, and Bryan.

Week 5 [UPDATE]

1) Dan: -4
2) Jeff C: -3.1
3) Bryan: - 0.9
4) Meagan: -0.4
5) Annette: +2.4

Total Approximate Tally

1) Jeff C: -19 [barf]
2) Dan: -14
3) Bryan: -12.5
4) Meagan: -8.5
5) Annette: -4.5

This is definitely my most confusing weigh-in yet. My dad was in town for the last four days, and in that period I didn't work out at all, I ate SmashBurger, buffalo wings, two pizzas, probably 30 beers, and unlimited mozzarella sticks, nachos, meatballs, and little smokies during the Super Bowl. Considering these factors, I expected to weigh in between 4 and 6 pounds heavier than I did last week. To my surprise, I managed to lose 4 pounds on what must be the most awesome diet ever. I might be onto something here with the whole "don't exercise and only eat crap" approach.

Jeff: [UPDATE]
My weigh in was a bit late because of some travel, so my numbers could be slightly bigger than what they would have been a few days ago. Still, I’m happy that I lost anything at all. I made use of the hotel gym and avoided beer (even though it looked delicious and everyone else was imbibing), but the few meals I did grab were pretty bad for me. I cut back on portion sizes in an attempt to minimize damage. It looks like we’re entering the home stretch, so it’s time to make sure I’m pushing myself as hard as I possibly can.

Mass Effect 2 is beaten (my Paragon playthrough at least) so I'm back to exercising. The huge snowfall that blasted the midwest over the last few days has provided a nice alternate shoveling workout as well. Unfortunately, the Super Bowl happened this weekend so wings, meatballs, and nachos worked against all of the sweating I did. Those first ten pounds came off so much easier!

I'm not particularly happy with this week's meager loss, but it comes somewhat expected. I've been feeling pretty under the weather since Wednesday of last week, so it's been hard to get myself motivated to work out when crawling under a blanket and napping sounds much more appealing. Still, the aches and pains are starting to go away, and I plan on coming back with a workout vengeance this week. I am really motivated to hit that 10lb mark as soon as possible especially considering that Dan and I will be out of town from Sunday the 14th till Wednesday the 17th. That means we can't weigh in till Thursday. While the extra few days should, in theory, give us an edge over the competition, I am scared silly at the thought of eating out four days in a row. I know it's possible to make healthy food choices on the road (and I already checked, our hotel has a 24-hour gym!) but it's still tough to say no to steak dinners and malt beverages after a hard day's work. Moderation is key, and I am going to try my best to not blow my progress while out and about!

So while I did well during the week with good eating and exercise habits, I fell off the wagon as the week came to a close. P90X can definitely get exhausting, especially the yoga that goes on for 1.5 hours. I took a break from the workouts and went on a few social outings that involved very unhealthy habits. I'm not at all surprised at my results this week and deserve this setback. It has only encouraged me to do better next week.

To follow the fitness competition, type "GI Fitness" in to the search field or hit the blog tab above the story.