by Bryan Vore on Feb 02, 2010 at 10:46 AM

Five Game Informer editors are squaring off in a weight loss competition to shed 25 pounds. Every week they weigh in on Wii Fit Plus to see who's working it and who's sitting out. This week, Dan actually gains weight despite his most rigorous workout routine yet.

Sorry for the delay on this week's post. Jeff was out of the office on Monday so we had to push back the weigh-in a day. Next week's post will also be on Tuesday the 9th due to absentee editors.

From left to right: Meagan, Jeff C, Dan, Annette, and Bryan. [Dan's line got messed up this week. See below for his true results.]

Week 4

1) Jeff C: -6.8
2) Meagan: -2.4
3) Annette: -2.2
4) Bryan: -1.8
5) Dan: +0.7

Total Approximate Tally

1) Jeff C: -16
2) Bryan: -11
3) Dan: -10
4) Meagan: -8
5) Annette: -7

Jeff C:
Whew! I didn’t expect to see a number like this week’s result, and I don’t expect to ever again. I’m not putting too much stock into the number, since weight can fluctuate so wildly from day to day—and throughout the day as well. I added some more cardio time to my weight training, which I think helped. When we started this competition I wasn’t able to do steady-state cardio for any real length of time, but that seems to be changing. As fun as it is to see numbers dropping, I’m more inspired when I realize that I’m able to run longer than I was physically able to at the start. Also, Dan sucks.

My new motto is “slow and steady wins the race.” Well, that may not be entirely true, considering that Jeff now has lost twice the amount of weight that I have, but I am happy with my 2lb loss per week even if it hasn’t positioned me as a front runner. As far as changes to my routine, I started P90X last week and it is kicking my butt in every way possible.  And in the best way possible. Although every inch of me hurts now, I think that using the videos 3-4 times a week between my normal cardio workouts is going to help me get the results I want in terms of toning my arms and so on. All and all, 8lbs is nothing to scoff at, and I am well on my way to losing those 15lbs that I’ve been trying to get rid of for the past five years. Things are getting exciting!

I’m still pushing through P90X and showed modest weight loss results this week. While it’s not as awesome as last week’s results, I’ll take it considering my performance the first couple weeks of the competition. My current routine seems to be working well. Now that my body no longer hates me for doing P90X, I may inject more cardio into my workout schedule. I plan on working a little harder this week, though. If I lose three pounds next weigh-in, I will be down a total of 10 pounds!


I have no problem blaming Mass Effect 2 for my less-than-impressive results this week. If I wasn't stuck on the couch playing this *** fantastic game, than I wouldn't have missed out on hours of exercise. Add this to the fact that I went to three birthday parties for my favorite future-sister-in-law (hey, Lori!), all with delicious, calorie-rich foods. Next week, ME 2 will be out of the way and I'll be back on track.

Something’s awry here. My last week was probably the most exercise-intensive week of my life, and I still managed to put on 0.7 pounds. I’ve done P90X every day, and I usually followed that by running anywhere between 3-5 miles. One of my goals for this competition was to be able to run 3 miles in 30 minutes, and I did that twice over the last week. So basically, I’m not really sure how I put on almost a pound this week. The only thing that makes sense to me is if it’s muscle weight, but I’ve focused far more on cardio than anything else. I’m definitely concerned about the next couple of weeks, because my dad is visiting Minneapolis this weekend and that means several days of drinking and eating nothing but crap. After that I’m going on two trips for work, so that means travel food. I’m expecting some subpar weigh-ins for about two weeks before I can kick it back into high gear.

To follow the fitness competition, type "GI Fitness" in to the search field or hit the blog tab above the story.