Okay, so we have a few statues around the office. One of these statues is the Prince of Persia. You might recognize him from a game called The Prince of Persia. Anyway, he’s started getting mail.

I don’t know how he ended up on the Official PlayStation Magazine mailing list, but apparently they thought that since the Prince was in one of the greatest games of all time that he’d like to know which upcoming PlayStation 3 games he should play. Don’t worry he’s already got a Game Informer subscription.

So I was thinking that since he’s already getting mail, we might as well start up a Prince of Persia mailbag. Have a question you want to ask the Prince? Want dating advice or workout tips? Need to know how to deal with a bad emo haircut? Send you questions to:

The Prince of Persia
724 North First St., Third Floor
Minneapolis, MN 55401

The Prince might just respond to your letters here.