by Annette Gonzalez on Nov 23, 2009 at 08:17 AM

I suck at drawing so prepare yourself for what you're about to see. I reviewed Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter for the Wii and the game's main draw is, well, drawing. As promised in the magazine, I bring to you some of my creations from the game (these drawings are absolutely awful, further enhanced by poor picture quality). Granted the Wii remote was tough to draw with (I certainly preferred the stylus from the DS iteration) still, no amount of tools will make me a better artist. My one-year-old niece could probably do a better job.

That green guy you see up there was my main character. Yes, it's a spotted alien with a jheri curl. If you think this is bad, it only gets worse from here. Some of my images were just downright inappropriate so I couldn't post them. Yeah, I know: "Boooooo!" Still I'm sure you'll get just as much entertainment from some of my worst creations.

Here is my lizard. Looks more like a green slug. Don't judge me.

Balloon of death. I regularly got stomped by baddies while in this thing, so I appropriately adorned it with skulls.

It's a swing. I labeled it accordingly because it looks nothing like a swing.

I cheated with this one and used a template. Still I personalized it with my handwriting. It's a plug.

This is what happens when you drop a fork in the oven. Or a garbage disposal. I obviously didn't use a template for this one.

I don't even know.