by Annette Gonzalez on Oct 15, 2009 at 10:07 AM

This week The[Crafty]Gamer features Rolando-themed cupcakes all the way from San Francisco! Not only are they creative, but they look delicious! Read on to find out more about these yummy creations and the woman behind the baked goods, Jennie Sue.

The[Crafty]Gamer: Jennie Sue

Age: Do I have to say?

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Occupation: Public relations, video game fanatic, cupcake fiend

Creation: Rolando Cupcakes

Tell us about your work. What's the inspiration behind it?

Rolando is a great game for the iPhone for its art style, cleverness and gameplay that utilizes the iPhone's accelerometer to roll the little Rolandos around. I've always been a huge fan of LocoRoco on the PSP and other round, rolling video game things in general — Katamari and Super Monkey Ball. When I saw Rolando, I fell in love all over again!

For a few months now I've been on a cupcake rampage, baking cupcakes several times a week, helping with charity events via cupcakes, dropping off cupcakes for friends, etc. Everyone has been affected — even my boyfriend has gone from eating entire batches of cupcakes to being force-fed for QA testing! Good thing he's not a goose (mmm...foie gras).

I was working with ngmoco, the iPhone game development company, on their upcoming shooter game ELIMINATE and got to spend quality time with the team. I had thought about making Rolando 2 cupcakes for a while, but never got around to it. One night at a charity event I was helping out with, Mary Jane from ngmoco came and we talked about the idea. She got really excited, commissioned me to create a batch of 40 Rolando 2 cupcakes for her to pass around the company and this was the result.

ngmoco has a weekly video podcast called "ngmoshow", hosted by Mary Jane and Brandon. The ngmoshowers created a funny video with the Rolando cupcakes!

How much time does it take to create themed cupcakes?

I'd say in total the cupcakes and finish took about 15 hours. I'll break it down: making the batter and baking the cupcakes only took about one hour. The fondant, including mixing the colors, rolling them out, creating each of the eyeballs, mouths, eyebrows, etc. took the rest of the time. In the end it was all worth it to spread a little joy, love and Rolando to the world.

Are your cupcakes available for purchase anywhere? If so, where and how much?

Obviously these specific Rolandos can no longer be ingested by anyone as I'm sure they've long since passed into the ocean. ;) However, I'm always up for trying new things and am potentially open to be commissioned for other video game ideas/requests. I think the next batch I want to make are Portal cupcakes. Borderlands cupcakes may also be in my future.

Any other information you'd like to share about yourself (do you have a background in arts/crafts? favorite games? etc.)?

I love baking cupcakes and playing video games. I now work in video game PR and prior was a graphic designer for 12 years. The designer in me always wants to break out and create fun things and the gamer in me loves being around games all day. It's definitely exciting when you're able to create a convergence of your hobbies and passions, and I think I've found a way to bring cupcakes and video games together — at least with this project. :)

If I were to create a character cupcake, it would be Marcus Fenix, or The Prince from Katamari. Marcus' face would be too difficult for me, so maybe I should make some Katamari cupcakes soon!

I also participate in monthly Iron Cupcake: San Francisco challenges. If you're in the area, you should come out!

Web links to any other work?

Check out The Cupcake Adventure blog.

The[Crafty]Gamer is currently looking for submissions. Check out the submission guidelines and e-mail me at