This weekend was the first time I had ever been part of a themed pub crawl. Our group met up at my apartment early afternoon. My bathroom was packed with zombies applying makeup and blood effects. The rest of us hung out in the living room and played Left 4 Dead and watched zombie movies.

Our first stop was Gold Medal Park where there were groups of other zombies waiting for the crawl to start. It was freezing outside! They immediately recognized the Left 4 Dead group (Meagan and co.) and went in for the attack. Tons of pictures were taken as they were definitely one of the more popular groups. I as Lara Croft zombie hung out on the sidelines and took pictures on my phone. I should’ve brought a camera! From there we made our way to a Noodles & Co. that was packed with zombies. It was quite the sight to see. With our bellies full of pasta we finally started the pub portion of the evening.

I was told the pub crawl wasn’t as popular as previous years. This may have been because of the cold temperatures. Still, there were tons of zombies stopping traffic, jumping in front of cars and banging on buses. It was a great night for people zombie watching. After a couple bars we wound up back at my apartment and continued watching movies. I had a few zombies sleep on my floor and they managed to keep blood off the carpet.

The Zombie Pub Crawl was definitely a lot of fun and I’m already brainstorming for next year’s costume. If anyone is going to be in the Minneapolis area around this time next year try and make it out to the crawl. There’s nothing funnier than hearing a bunch of drunk zombies yell: “What do we want? Braaaaaaaains! When do we want ‘em? Braaaaaaaains!”

Photos: These pictures were taken on my iPhone, less than excellent quality. Above: Left 4 Dead group GI editors Tim and Dan are in the blue and green sweaters. Meagan is behind the gunmen. Below: Meagan helped me with the zombie look. My nephew said I look like the Joker. I guess that works, too.