Question: Do you have what it takes to submit to the Crafty Gamer blog? Yes.

You design Mario-inspired T-shirts. You create figurines based off the Magnacarta series. You knit Okami plush toys. Whatever video-game inspired pieces you create in your spare time are eligible for submission, regardless of medium you choose. Creativity is all that matters. If you're not the crafty-type, but love to collect or just know where to find quality work we want to hear from you, too!

Submitting to The[Crafty]Gamer blog is easy. Though I may not be able to post everyone’s submission, providing as much information as possible is a great start! All we need is a little background information:

•    Full name 
•    Age
•    Where are you from?
•    What’s your day job?
•    Tell us about the piece. What’s the inspiration behind it?
•    How much time did it take to create?
•    Is it available for purchase anywhere? If so, where and how much?
•    Any other information you’d like to share about yourself (do you have a background in arts/crafts? favorite games? etc.)?
•    Any Web links to other work?

Please also submit a minimum of five high-quality images that we’ll choose from to show off your masterpiece.

Once you put it all together, send me an e-mail for review:

Image: Question Block Keepsake Box from