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Who Are You? Define Yourself With Gaming Math

by Andy McNamara on Apr 14, 2010 at 06:57 AM

While I was always one of the worst math students of all time, I do like to apply basic math to normal every day things. In my case "normal" and "every day" equals video games, so i thought I would share how I do what I call "video game math" in my head.

For example:

"Comic License" + "Developer I've Never Heard Of" + "Movie Tie In" / "Giant Video Game Publisher" = "Disaster"


"Quirky Japanese Title" - "Original Soundtrack" + "American Pop Music" = "150 Total Games Sold In The United States"


"Infinity Ward" - "Vince & Jason" + "New Overlord" =  "Medal of Honor"

Basically, I find it fun. I'm a nerd, get over it.

So to get to my point, I was trying to come up with the math for myself, and I think I got it. Basically this formula explains why I am the gamer I am today. These aren't necessarily my favorite games of all time, but they are the ones that define what I like.

Pitfall + Metroid + Doom x Everquest = Greatest Video Game Editor In Chief Of Game Informer Evar As Of April 14, 2010 (If I Do Say So Myself)

Try it for yourself. The only rule is that you have to keep it under five references. Post away.