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Free Game Of The Moment: Missilebreak Outvaders

by Adam Biessener on Nov 02, 2011 at 12:09 PM

How many homages to classic Atari games can you fit in a single Flash game and still have it be awesome? I believe Missilebreak Outvaders is the current record holder at three.

Missilebreak Outvaders is Missile Command, and Breakout, and Space Invaders – all at the same time. The pixellated invaders are slowly dropping down the screen, firing missiles at the five cities that line the bottom of the screen. With your paddle, you have to deflect the missiles back at the aliens – but they keep bouncing basically forever, so the situation quickly gets out of hand.

Once you deflect a missile with the paddle, it turns from red to blue. It'll still blow up a city if it hits it, but a left-click of the mouse detonates all blue missiles on the screen. Resetting the madness every so often is a necessity, but it helps to keep things running as long as possible to clear the board of aliens more quickly.

In practice, this mostly plays like a super-gonzo-multi-ball Breakout with moving blocks. I found myself usually playing with one or two cities left un-nuked, since defending more than that quickly becomes untenable. Even with only a few points to defend, though, Missilebreak Outvaders requires a deft touch to survive more than a few waves.

The Atari-style presentation is amazing, and the music is a grand modern love letter to '70s chiptunes. For the price, you can't beat what Missilebreak Outvaders has on offer.

[Disclaimer: Kongregate is owned by Game Informer's parent company, GameStop. If you have a problem with that, I'm sure you can find a different Flash portal to play Missilebreak Outvaders on.]