video podcast

Welcome back to The Game Informer Show! We have an exciting episode for you today in our continuing coverage of E3 2017. We're joined by ol' standard Joe Juba and red hot special guests Game Informer Australia editor David Milner and Capcom's Tim Turi. We cover the most exciting games we've seen at the show so far, what it's been like for E3 to open its doors to the public, and the art of crafting the perfect press conference.

You can watch the video below, subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes or Google Play, or listen to the latest episode on SoundCloud.

In the second half of the show, we introduce Double Fine's Tim Schafer and Greg Rice to A Way Out's Josef Fares and they discuss tackling games from a new direction and Breath of the Wild.

Our thanks to the talented Super Marcato Bros. for The Game Informer Show's intro song. You can hear more of their original tunes and awesome video game music podcast at their website.

To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below...

2:10 - Crowds and the state of E3 2017
12:40 - Crafting the perfect E3 press conference
17:50 - Inside Game Informer Australia
26:20 - Spider-Man
30:40 - Detroit: Become Human
36:35 - Tim Turi's Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
44:50 - Metal Gear Survive
51:15 - God of War
58:00 - Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
1:03:30 - Super Mario Odyssey
1:06:20 - State of Decay 2
1:08:10 - Double Fine's Tim Schafer and Greg Rice meet A Way Out's Josef Fares