video podcast

This week's episode of The Game Informer Show is focusing on the details. First off, Matt Miller joins us to talk about his extensive experience playing Gearbox's Battleborn and why it just doesn't live up to expectations from similar shooters. After that, Jeff Marchiafava discusses his love-affair with the latest open beta for Blizzard's Overwatch. We also talk about how Blizzard's expert sense of game design compares to Uncharted 4's attention to detail. Also, we have Kyle Hilliard to discuss Game Freak's latest efforts with Pocket Horse Jockey and the trailers for Pokemon Sun and Moon. We also cover Disney's big news of the week before speaking with the co-directors of the upcoming Angry Birds Movie Fergal Reilly and Clay Kaytis about game animation and why they're so proud of this surprising game adaptation.

You can watch the video below, subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes, or listen to episode 298 on SoundCloud. Also, be sure to send your emails to for a chance to have them answered on the show and win a prize by becoming Email of the Week!

Our thanks to the talented Super Marcato Bros. for The Game Informer Show's intro song. You can hear more of their original tunes and awesome video game music podcast at their website.

To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below... 

4:20 - Matt Miller's thoughts on Battleborn
24:10 - Overwatch's latest open beta
39:20 - Blizzard vs Naughty Dog: Who's a more talented developer?
43:16 - Uncharted 4's magical little touches
54:25 - Game Freak's Pocket Card Jockey
57:45 - Pokémon
 Sun and Moon reactions
59:53 - Disney's changing game publishing strategy
1:07:25 - Emails
1:29:30 - Angry Birds Movie interview with co-directors Fergal Reilly and Clay Kaytis