video podcast

The cogs, pistons, and steam pipes of 2016's video game releases are slowly, steadily humming to life. This week marks the release of The Witness, the latest puzzler from Jonathan Blow, creator of Braid. Reviewer Joe Juba discusses his time wandering The Witness' peaceful island while working his way through hundreds of satisfyingly tricky puzzles. Andrew Reiner also joins us to talk about Traveler's Tales' latest, Lego Marvel's Avengers. Prepare for a discussion about a ton of Marvel c-listers that the developers have crammed in here. After a rip-roarin' email segment Ben Hanson and Dan Tack sit down with Red Hook Studio, part of the team behind Darkest Dungeon, to discuss the nitty and gritty of their brutal Lovecraftian dungeon crawler.

You can listen to episode 284 on SoundCloud by clicking here, or subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes. Also, be sure to send your emails to for a chance to have them answered on the show and win a prize by becoming Email of the Week!

To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the timestamps below...
3:13 - The Witness
20:45 - Lego Marvel's Avengers
34:00 - Lost in Harmony
34:40 - Tim's Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam impressions
38:30 - Our Final Fantasy VII Game Club warm-up
42:20 - Emails
1:12:35 - Interviewing Chris Bourassa and Tyler Sigmanabout their work on Darkest Dungeon